Abide in the Heart of Christ: a 10-Day Personal Retreat with St Ignatius Loyola, based on the Spiritual Exercises
#1 New Release, Amazon Kindle!
[-Kindle: Oct, Religion & Spirituality, ‘spiritual meditation’ category]
released Sept 2019, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame IN
Sacred Heart of Jesus with spring flowers, spring at White House Jesuit Retreat, St Louis MO
Abide in the Heart of Christ offers accessible wisdom from the foundations of Jesuit spirituality—St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. You can make a ten-day personal retreat in the midst of your daily life. This book will help you encounter Christ and grow in your relationship with him.
You can ‘abide’ in Christ’s love each day [John 15:9]. This book brings together the writings of St. Ignatius, Gospel passages, and personal examples to help you “know Christ more, love him more, and serve him more.”
Praise for Abide:
“Fr Joe is your tour guide who takes you on a journey with Christ. He leads you to a special place and then steps back and allows you to have your own experience.
Everybody wants to grow closer to Christ through prayer. This book helps you to do just that. His instructions teach you how to meditate while his stories and parables stir your imagination.
Fr Joe’s book gently and creatively helps to unite the reader’s heart with the Heart of Christ.”
-Fr Mark Thibodeaux SJ is the author of God’s Voice Within, and several other books on Ignatian spirituality, Loyola Press
“An eminently simple and accessible yet profound way to build the habit of praying from the heart.”
-Fr Chris Collins SJ, author of 3 Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus, Ave Maria Press
"Fr Joe has made the genius of Ignatius available to all Catholics."
-Zac Davis, associate editor at America Media and cohost of the podcast Jesuitical
"A beautiful introduction to St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises. I hope that those who long for a deeper dive into prayer will take up this accessible, user-friendly book with a pen and journal in hand in order to discover the ways that God invites us into greater life and love."
-Tim Muldoon, prof at Boston College
Author of The Ignatian Workout, Loyola Press
“Ignatian spirituality is uniquely suited to help busy people grow closer to Christ…”
“In this book, I’ll describe a different topic in each of the ten exercises. I’ll often use images related to the human heart because I find that this helps us to connect our emotions with our physical bodies and our spiritual lives. Jesus, too, has a living human heart that beats with love for each of us! Every one of the topics will build on the ones that came before. Some topics will be classic themes from Christian life, as described by St. Ignatius: sin, forgiveness, creation, etc. Other chapters will help us to examine God’s work in our own lives, or will connect key Gospel passages with our own experiences. I’ll use personal examples to help illustrate the various topics.”
[from the introduction to Abide]
photo, 2019, by Fr Mike Harter SJ